How Not to Blow Your Health This Holiday Season

We’re full swing into the holidays now and if you’ve been working hard all year long, you probably don’t want to blow all of your gains during the month of December. Now we are talking both physical and emotional health here. Don’t forget that your brain and your body are connected and what you do […]

The Importance of Nutrition in Coping with Stress and Anxiety

It is not uncommon to feel physically ill when faced with stress. Additionally, the physical symptoms of anxiety can be very debilitating and make it difficult to eat. I often hear clients describe stomach nausea and stomach aches with urges to vomit, that on occasion can occur. Other symptoms such as a feeling of a […]

How to Help Our Girls Have Healthy Body Image: 6 Tips

It is challenging today and it has been challenging for many generations of girls to develop a strong and healthy body image in our society. The challenges exist, are real, and can be highly detrimental to our girls as they become young women. Our society distorts the images we see in the media and the […]

The Importance of Addressing Your Physical Health and Mental Health: Sleep, Food, and Exercise

When suffering from depression and anxiety, many people describe serious and significant physical complaints in addition to emotional symptoms. It is important to keep in mind that our bodies and our brains are connected so that when we work to improve your emotional health, it makes sense to take a look at your physical health […]

The Importance of the Therapeutic Relationship in CBT

Are you looking for change? Do you want to feel better and improve your life? If so, you may be looking into therapy as a way to achieve these changes.When starting your search for a psychologist, it is possible to get confused and overwhelmed by the large number of therapies available to you. As you […]

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