5 Reasons it’s a Bad Idea to Let Your Child Skip School Due to Anxiety

If you are a parent to an anxious child, you know how difficult it can be to persuade them to do something they are worried or fearful about. It is a basic parenting instinct to nurture and reassure your child that everything will be okay. However, if you are getting pulled into the direction of […]

How to Talk to Your Child About Going to Therapy? 7 Helpful Tips

Are you a parent noticing that your child is struggling emotionally? Maybe you are concerned that his or her emotional functioning isn’t quite what you would expect for their age. Maybe you have depression or anxiety in your family and you are noticing your child may be showing some signs of emotional distress? Or, you […]

How to help your child cope with bedtime fears and anxiety: 7 tips

As a parent, the topic of your child’s sleep is probably one that has consumed many hours of your life. From infancy, we become preoccupied with when, where, how much, and how long did it take your baby to fall asleep. Simply, the topic of sleep can be exhausting for both children and parents. Now […]

How to Relax? 10 Best Calming Strategies

Who couldn’t do a better job relaxing? Probably all of us! And that  includes kids, teens, and adults alike. Our daily lives have gotten so fast paced and stressful that many of of need to pay attention to having a little more balance, some time to stop, notice, and smell the roses, so that we […]

8 Common Anxiety Tricks and How to Cope

If you or a loved one has suffered from anxiety, you know how uncomfortable it is and you may feel like you would do just about anything to make the feelings go away. While some strategies are effective at decreasing the distress associated with anxiety, some common techniques and beliefs we have about anxiety can […]

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