What’s the difference between worry and anxiety?

I was recently asked to submit some information to a magazine explaining the differences between worry and anxiety and when to seek help, so of coure I figured this topic would be a great for a blog article. I’ve heard people say “everyone has anxiety” and actually that is not the case, I think they […]

Depression is a Liar. How to Cope if You are suffering from Depression and Feel Suicidal. How to Help if you Love Someone who is.

I’ve been deeply troubled by last week’s news stories of Kate Spade’s and Anthony Bourdain’s deaths by suicide. I’ve been taking some time to process the impact of their deaths and figuring out how to put my words together to express the main points I have circling through my head. I’ve noticed that I am […]

How Do You Know if You’re in an Abusive Relationship and What Your Anxiety May Be Telling You

Have you questioned your relationship and wondered if it is unhealthy or even abusive? You may think this should or would be an obvious question to answer and while sometimes it may in fact be so, it may surprise you how often the answer to the question it is not so obvious. The signs of […]

How to Understand and Help Your Teen with Self Injury?

Are you a parent who has learned your child has been hurting him or herself? Do you have a friend or close partner who engages in self harm behavior? Are you baffled by self harming behaviors and feel confused about the reasons someone you care about would hurt him or herself? If so, I can […]

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: How do I Know if I Have PTSD?

If you are asking yourself if you have PTSD, it is probably likely you have experienced a tremendously difficult event or events. Sometimes, it can be helpful to clarify what the definition of a trauma since it is a word so commonly used in today’s society. The definition of trauma is: an event or series […]

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